Good news, everyone! Tomorrow is going to be the day that Nightingale hits the virtual shelves again! Self-published this time, so the whole thing lives and dies by my ability to get the word out; which is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. But before tomorrow, before my relentless cheerleading, […]
Book 2

Yeah, I know, I should be hyping Nightingale right now (signs are pointing to the ebook being back on Amazon soon – like next week soon!); but this character is bugging me to write about her. I’m not sure where this fits, or if this is even part of the Nightingale universe, but maybe giving Carol […]
WIP Excerpt – ‘Carol on Patrol’

Checking my Scrivener app, I can see I need to start hitting North of 15,000 words per day to meet my self-imposed May 30 deadline. Considering I’ve been averaging around 500 words per day…yeah, not going to happen. So what happened? A lot of things! But the important one is […]
The League Cycle, Book 2 – Plugging Away…

Ever since I signed up for the incredibly awesome Marvel Unlimited service (you get access to nearly all of Marvel’s library, with a six-month delay on new issues), New Comic Day coincides with Marvel’s Monday refresh of the app. This morning I was thrilled to see I’m finally getting the […]