Had the privilege of seeing Weird Al in concert tonight. Easily the most fun I’ve had at a concert ever. The best part, though, was being able to share something that’s brought me so much goofball laughter into my life with this guy… There were other ways to […]
Yearly Archives: 2015

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these; but Amazon was nice enough to provide me with a mess of download codes for the new audiobook of Nightingale! I’ll have to figure out what I’m going to do with them all; but for now, let’s just do […]
Win a Copy of the ‘Nightingale’ Audiobook!

Checking my Scrivener app, I can see I need to start hitting North of 15,000 words per day to meet my self-imposed May 30 deadline. Considering I’ve been averaging around 500 words per day…yeah, not going to happen. So what happened? A lot of things! But the important one is […]
The League Cycle, Book 2 – Plugging Away…

So, that Flash season finale, eh? (Needless to say, here thar be spoilers) I’ve loved this show all season. It wasn’t without its issues (looking at you, Iris, the world’s most clueless investigative reporter); but, on the whole, I thought that everything from the characterization to the world-building was expertly […]
Run, Barry, Run – Paradox Takes Hold in ‘The Flash’ ...

If you look at only one panda-centric piece of news on the web today, make it this one: Kotaku: Iron Man Plus Panda is Iron Panda Of course their headline is all wrong; we know that if a billionaire panda was captured by terrorists and created an armored suit, he would […]
I Am Panda Man

Since a new goddess strolled in and picked up the hammer from the, now-unworthy, Odinson a few months back, there has been abundant speculation as to her true identity. Some thought it was Freyja, pissed that Odin discounted her stint as the sole ruler of Asgard. Others said it must […]
Lady Thor Stands Revealed!

I’m a fan of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., have been since the first season. I think it’s the old school Buffy/Angel reviewer in me that was just happy to have any Whedon presence back on the small screen. This season, they’ve been hitting it right out of the park. Last night […]
‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Wink & Nod

I don’t know, I think maybe the “geek.” glass is overkill… Don’t forget, Free Comic Book Day is this weekend! Make sure you check out my tips over at GeekDad before hitting the comic book store tomorrow!
Geeky Friday

Just a quick update, folks. For those who don’t follow me on Facebook, I’ve got some exciting news. Nightingale is now available in paperback! It’s currently available on Amazon for just a squidge under eight bones. At the moment, it’s United States only; but that should change in the next 36 […]
Announcing ‘Nightingale: Dead Tree Edition’

Back in 2012, there was an absolutely amazing set of short cartoons done by Lauren Faust (of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fame) for DC that focused on three super BFFs: The titular Super BFFs, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Supergirl oozed enough fun, chemistry, and general kick-buttedness that my daughter […]