Not a retcon! Not a crossover event! Nightingale is back and ready for you buy, browse, or print out and snort (printing out and snorting not recommended, readers may not experience full impact of story). Even better, it’s now part of Kindle Unlimited. So if you’ve signed up for Amazon’s digital book buffet, […]

Yeah, I know, I should be hyping Nightingale right now (signs are pointing to the ebook being back on Amazon soon – like next week soon!); but this character is bugging me to write about her. I’m not sure where this fits, or if this is even part of the Nightingale universe, but maybe giving Carol […]
WIP Excerpt – ‘Carol on Patrol’
I’m still throwing pennies down the well, trying to wish the Nightingale e-book back to life (though the excellent audiobook is still available). I’m seeing glimmers of activity; but don’t have an ETA yet. In the meantime, I’ll be posting excerpts of my discombobulated superhero universe. There may even be an original story that pops up […]
‘Nightingale’ Excerpt – #Trending

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these; but Amazon was nice enough to provide me with a mess of download codes for the new audiobook of Nightingale! I’ll have to figure out what I’m going to do with them all; but for now, let’s just do […]
Win a Copy of the ‘Nightingale’ Audiobook!

All kinds of great stuff happened this past weekend. I made a breakthrough on the plot for Book 2 of The League Cycle and got some nascent ideas for Book 3. Nightingale continues to do nicely in weekend sales. My amazing wife threw me the best surprise book release party […]
‘Nightingale’ News!

It’s been a crazy couple of days. Amazon’s early posting of Nightingale caught me off guard, so I had to scramble to get posts out there letting everyone know. Apparently it’s paid off, because the book has already cracked the Top 100 and is on its way to the Top 50 […]
‘Nightingale’ Available Everywhere!

OK, no lie, typing my name into Amazon and having my book come up gave me a very specific kind of thrill. Then it sent me into a flurry of panic that may or may not end with bourbon later. Long story short – NIGHTINGALE IS OUT ON AMAZON NOW! […]
‘Nightingale’ Now Available on Amazon!

Gooooood morning, readers! There’s just one day left until ‘Nightingale’ hits the shelves! Well, the virtual shelves at any rate – real shelves will come once you lovely people start leaving reviews. I’ve got one more excerpt to whet your appetite. You can read more about Magnificent and her crew […]
Friday ‘Nightingale’ Excerpt – Magnificent vs. Bacon

Sydney! Congrats on the eARC! You should be getting an email today with details on how to download your copy of Nightingale! Thanks to everyone for playing along. I’ll have more contests after the book release. I have a newsletter launch planned, and plenty of geeky stuff to blather on about […]
And the Winnah Is…

It’s hard to get my mind around it; but after a year and a half of work and preparation, we are less than 72 hours away from the publication of Nightingale! To celebrate, here’s an excerpt focusing on my other main character, Magnificent. And don’t forget to enter the eARC […]