You guys. YOU GUYS! If there was ever an official shirt for this blog, this would be it. Buy it from TeeFury today. Wear it. …love it, I won’t judge. We’re gonna need a bigger drawer This Shirt!6 Mar, 2015 in Pop Culture tagged Jaws / t-shirts / TeeFury by Anthony Karcz
You might have noticed I upgraded my background recently. This is a portion of the amazing “Quint #1” cover by PJ McQuade. It’s based on Wolverine #1 and it is possibly the most perfect image EVER for a comic-centric blog where the URL and title consist of a Jaws quote […] New Background! Quint Returns!24 Jan, 2014 tagged I'll bring ya yer fish / Jaws / PJ McQuade / Quint / Site News by Anthony Karcz