This is still one of my favorite superhero fights in the book and one of the more cinematic (fitting, considering I wrote it while completely hyped up on my viewing of Captain America: The Winter Soldier). Fingers crossed, Nightingale will be back in time for New Book Day next week! The Chicago […]

Complain about lack of privacy and becoming desensitized to information sharing all you want, at the end of the day (or the beginning of the day, as it were), we just want the teeny AI portals we carry around with us to give us what we want. NOW. Case in point… […]
Ask a Simple Question…

So do you think you got the answer right to today’s Guess Who? I posted this on Twitter and Facebook this morning: And here’s the answer: Did you guess Archangel? I would have taken Angel as well, since he’s still blue with metal wings (occasionally) in modern comics and goes by that. Before I […]
Guess Who #3
Since I can’t get this song out of my head since invoking the chorus yesterday, have some Rolling Stones to brighten your morning.